With a strong background and decades of experience in event and hospitality management, Melody Davis joined the Sherman staff in November as its Deep Dives and Women in Utilities event manager. She will shadow Education Director Lisa Collins for the 2024-25 lead-up and delivery in Phoenix, learning how live events and programs fit together and feeling like she’s ‘drinking from a firehose’ most days.
Besides understanding IUCX’s big picture, Melody can’t wait to meet the people face-to-face with whom she’s been having TEAMS calls. ”I like the energy of the buildup. I gain huge satisfaction in watching it unfold and happen. I’m attracted like a magnet to customer service.”
When she’s not working, Davis enjoys traveling, especially a road trip where she can stop often and linger longer. Her ideal vacation? “I’d love to return to Italy as an ecotourist for a wine-cheese-olive oil excursion, learning the where, what, how and why of Italian cuisine through the lenses of agriculture, history and family stories.” Welcome to the team! Please add your welcome when you call IUCX headquarters at 903-893-3214 or email Melody. | “I love planning and organizing. I like to see how I can be a pain reliever with attendees and help solve problems. I’ve always believed you can make more of an impression with your recovery than with your mistake.” |